Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair

Well we had been to the largest and second largest cities in the U.P. and today we would complete the hat trick by visiting the third largest, Escanaba. It was the last day of the U.P. state fair. So, we were headed to catch some dirt track racing, rides and eat some wonderful carnival inspired delicacies. It was a about an hour and a half drive from our cabin in Engadine. And after a relatively mild start to the day we headed due west in time to catch the first race at 5p.m. After a very quiet easy ride down Michigan Hwy 2, we came to Little Bay de Noc and turned south at the opening of Green Bay. The actual bay the city sits at the apex of on the northeast side of lake Michigan. Soon we would be in Escabana.


Only a few miles north of Wisconsin on Green Bay. We were closer the to the city of Green Bay than to Mackinac bridge. I have read that the culture here leans more towards Wisconsin and Minnesota than to the other side of the peninsula and northern Michigan. As we headed down towards the fairgrounds in Escanaba, that fact rang true from the types of food offered in the local eateries. It wasn’t hard to see how with an over 200 mile land boarder with Wisconsin. Which was just 40 miles away, we had driven into the heart of packer country. Pasties shacks had been replaced by cheese curd houses and we were definitely on the edge of America’s Dairy land.

Founded as an village in 1866 and a city in 1883. The city would serve as at first an important timber port for the region, but also for the rich ore mines around Marquette. However, as the Soo Locks expanded on the St. Mary’s river to allow for larger cargo vessels, the Major shipping port for the Upper Peninsula would shift to the city of Marquette itself. Though, Escanaba would continue to be an important shipping port for timber and other goods to this day. The rich timber fields in the area still fuel the old Mead paper mill in Escanaba.

Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair

The State Fair

As we headed into the fair, the grandstand was the first thing we came to and it was almost time for some racing. We climbed up to a good height to view the first few races and I must say it was a blast. I had not been to a regional race like this since I was a child. Our family back in Alabama had owned a dirt track many years ago and it really brought back some enjoyable childhood memories. There were sprint cars, modified stock cars of several classes and what ensued was an incredible bought of local racing. A few local titles were on the line and some of the races were incredibly intense. In short it was awesome. A few wrecks, a three wide finish, it was a truly fun time.

After a few races it was time for some snacks. I needed to see what awful fair fare I could get into my stomach. We headed to the midway and purchased a few ride bands. I found about the worst possible food booth I could. The man operating the rough looking stall appeared to be eastern Mediterranean. He made me a pretty good lamb Gyro. We hit up a few rides, particularly the Gravitron. It looked like an original 60’s model, and yes, we rode it. I found one Maggie refused to ride. I’m glad she did as it looked a little scary, and we just ran around until night began to fall. A snow cone, a lemonade, an elephant ear and a Ferris wheel. The sun set as we hit the top of the wheel and it was getting time to go. We watched the fireworks show that was the official end to the week long state fair and we departed for the comfort of another night sleeping in the cool Upper breeze.

Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
My Gyro. The guy making them was actually eastern Mediterranean, so I had to try it.

A very strangely named but tasty elephant ear.

Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair
Escanaba And The U.P. State Fair

FOr an article on the Soo Locks, click here

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