Author: Dennis Davis

Da Nang
Dining Out
DO - Da Nang
Hanh and Ken’s is a laid-back eatery serving up traditional Vietnamese fare with an occasional twist. The restaurant is named for the couple that founded the establishment. And in a romantic twist, I did so on Valentine’s day of this year.… continue reading
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Hanh & Ken – Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine

Da Nang
Dragon Diaries
Dragon Diaries #12 – Here Comes The Sun
Dragon Diaries #12 - Here comes the sun. In this, the 12th edition of a 20 part series about living in Vietnam during the pandemic and the worst Typhoon season in recorded history, we uncover the realities of life in constant rain and living with the pandemic as a foreigner in a foreign land. Read More
Da Nang
Vietnam – Days in our Lives
I’ve had some delays in publishing my normal Constant posts lately. I get a paragraph or two in, and another storm comes along, or our business just consumes a large amount of my time. We have fallen into an incredibly familiar pattern.… continue reading Read More
Why I Told My Wife I Would Vote For Trump
I thought living abroad I would escape the sensationalism that is the 2020 US election. Especially in this particularly vile election cycle. It is very interesting, no, it is heartbreaking to see how devolved to hate filled avatars friends and family have become over what many believe to be a historic election.… continue reading Read More
Da Nang
Dragon Diaries
Dragon Diaries #11 – The Tropical Blues
I can’t seem to get off of the tropical storm topic, but they can’t seem to stop coming. Within a few days of Nangka’s dissipation, Saudel would follow in her wake. More rain for the region, more floods, more disasters. I must say that the response has been impressive.… continue reading Read More
Da Nang
Da Nang – A Virtual Tour
This will be a bit of a different style of post. I post quite a bit of short videos on Facebook and instagram, and the most common response I receive, is how much people enjoy seeing the streets of Vietnam. This eventually led me to thinking, and I thought to myself.… continue reading Read More
Da Nang
Dragon Diaries
Dragon Diaries #10 – The Endless Storm
If you have already read #9 then you know Da Nang and central Vietnam have had a rough bout of storms. What I didn’t know as I was publishing the last Dragon Diaries, was another named storm was preparing to make landfall less than 2 days later.… continue reading Read More
Da Nang
Dragon Diaries
Dragon Diaries #9 – Monsoon Salon
In the last Dragon Diaries we were dealing with Typhoon Noul. It came and went, and the weather actually improved. It is monsoon season, but after the typhoon it bloomed into a beautiful 2 weeks of sun and partly cloudy skies.… continue reading Read More
2020 – The Year of the Dragon
It has been almost 2 years since I first came to the shores of Vietnam. We’ve had some incredible adventures, a couple of lockdowns, and dealt with a global pandemic. I thought maybe it was time to bring everything I’ve observed and come to understand about Vietnam together.… continue reading Read More
Chà m Island