
Why I Told My Wife I Would Vote For Trump
I thought living abroad I would escape the sensationalism that is the 2020 US election. Especially in this particularly vile election cycle. It is very interesting, no, it is heartbreaking to see how devolved to hate filled avatars friends and family have become over what many believe to be a historic election.… continue reading Read More
Chiang Mai
I should have known better, I should have done my homework, I should have known better. I can’t stand it when I’m caught off guard. So when the Thai Royal police officer looked at me and spoke, in the matter of fact, thick English.… continue reading
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Book No. 031342 No. 011 Royal Thai Police

An Lao
Kông Chro
Qui Nhơn
After a wonderful lunch with my newly discovered grandfather-in-law, it was getting time to prepare our departure. It was a couple hours to Qui NhÆ¡n, and I was expecting to sip cocktails on the beach by nightfall. So everyone started to gather their things and load up the car.… continue reading
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The Edge Of The World and No Airbnb. But Hey At Least There’s Karaoke!

Kông Chro
The Constant Epicurean. Ep. 111, Dining With The Dead. In this edition of the Constant Epicurean we visit Kong Chro, Gia Lai Province for an unexpected meal with my wife's grandfather. A man thought to be dead for decades.
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Dining With The Dead – A Story of War, Death and Resurrection.

Da Nang
Jet Lag
I Saw It First – Adjusting To Life In the Future.
It is 1:53am in Da Nang on November the 14th. It is 1:53 pm on November 13th in Atlanta. I actually tried this time to prepare for jet lag and try and adjust before I arrived. I landed at about 7 am in Da Nang on the 13th and had slept most of both flights.… continue reading Read More
Da Nang
The End of the Beginning
We spent the last few days together tying up loose ends and getting things organized. Qatar Airways gives two checked bags at 50 pounds each and the family had gathered a collection of items they would send with me from the countryside.… continue reading Read More
Da Nang
The Road Less Travelled
We had another snag at the government complex and our paperwork was to be pushed off another day. This time however, we dealt with an older woman who seemed more professional and human than the gentleman we had been dealing with in days prior.… continue reading Read More
Da Nang
The Domestication of Time
It had become apparent that my time in Vietnam was going to be, at least for the moment, indefinite. The local people’s council was not making my ability to secure our proper documents an easy task by any means. I had secured our apartment on a day to day basis and taking full advantage of our extended time together, Diá»…m and I settled into a wonderful routine of daily walks to the mart, trips to the market and dinner at home most evenings.… continue reading Read More
Da Nang
What an incredible process. Primarily fun and new and exciting, somewhat bureaucratic and painful. Traditionally in Vietnam, the wedding photos come well before the ceremony. This is done for many reasons. One, I’m assuming, is that no one buys dresses here as it is an exorbitant and excess purchase.… continue reading
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