Search Results for: water

If Everything is Big in Texas, I’m Finally a Millionaire, Why Napkins are Overrated and the Archetype of Beauty.

I can’t push out these entries fast enough, and some just aren’t big enough to warrant their own entry. So I’m going to start consolidating some of my thoughts into conglomerated posts. This particular post will be an attempt to piece together a collection of separate ideas and I’ll start with my observations into size.… continue reading

A Conversation About Food 2: The Duality of Consumption and the Lure of the Jungle.

I wrote in my earlier entry about the food and what I had discovered. What I wrote was only part of the picture. It’s a far more complicated and layered reality than I had originally expected. I had not ventured into the jungle when I wrote part one of this story, but in a way, I think it’s fitting that it’s structured this way, partly because of the duality aspect.… continue reading

I Could Not Have Imagined

I awoke from my jungle nap sometime around 4. I had, at this point, given up on keeping up with things as trivial as time. A handful of things were important here: was it day or night, was it time to eat, had an appropriate amount of time passed yet for a bath, and where was the coffee?… continue reading

The Nameless Sleepy Village

I was awoken by the roosters, almost coughing out their morning crows. They struggled, it seemed, to outperform their neighbors. It was keeping up with the Jones’ poultry style, and it would not fade until well after sunrise. Everyone here had animals, and with the exception of the pigs, most were allowed to roam.… continue reading

Electrified Jungle Vines, Gecko House Guests, Rodents Crashing The Dinner Party and other Curiosities in the Land of the Dragon People.

It’s hard to describe some of the things I’ve seen and experienced here in Vietnam, and thank God for giving us technology. The imagery of what I’m about to explain will be reinforced by the pictures that have illustrated my vantage point.… continue reading

The Four Americans.

I awoke again before the sun was up, not an unusual habit for me, even back home. I did my typical morning bathroom routine and felt very refreshed after the long expedition of yesterday. I made a simple breakfast, sat down on the patio with my coffee, and made some calls home.… continue reading

Zen And The Art Of Balancing Anything And Everything On A Motorbike.

Now that I’ve gotten the boring statistical data I find fascinating out of the way, let us talk about the reality, that is, life on two wheels. You can not imagine the amount of ingenuity that is created by the persuasive power of necessity.… continue reading

The Future Is Bright and The Grocery Store

Hanoi was a city of many faces, each massive Burrow with its unique feel and character. The apartment was more on the extremity in the northeast end of the city. The tight-knit crisscrossing colonial spiderweb of organized chaos and jungle vistas was now replaced by broad avenues and a more structured grid-style layout.… continue reading