Search Results for: Holidays

A Conversation About Food 2: The Duality of Consumption and the Lure of the Jungle.

I wrote in my earlier entry about the food and what I had discovered. What I wrote was only part of the picture. It’s a far more complicated and layered reality than I had originally expected. I had not ventured into the jungle when I wrote part one of this story, but in a way, I think it’s fitting that it’s structured this way, partly because of the duality aspect.… continue reading

I Could Not Have Imagined

I awoke from my jungle nap sometime around 4. I had, at this point, given up on keeping up with things as trivial as time. A handful of things were important here: was it day or night, was it time to eat, had an appropriate amount of time passed yet for a bath, and where was the coffee?… continue reading

The Four Americans.

I awoke again before the sun was up, not an unusual habit for me, even back home. I did my typical morning bathroom routine and felt very refreshed after the long expedition of yesterday. I made a simple breakfast, sat down on the patio with my coffee, and made some calls home.… continue reading