Search Results for: Life
An Unexpected and Unforgettable Walk In the Woods.
If Everything is Big in Texas, I’m Finally a Millionaire, Why Napkins are Overrated and the Archetype of Beauty.
I can’t push out these entries fast enough, and some just aren’t big enough to warrant their own entry. So I’m going to start consolidating some of my thoughts into conglomerated posts. This particular post will be an attempt to piece together a collection of separate ideas and I’ll start with my observations into size.… continue reading
I Could Not Have Imagined
I awoke from my jungle nap sometime around 4. I had, at this point, given up on keeping up with things as trivial as time. A handful of things were important here: was it day or night, was it time to eat, had an appropriate amount of time passed yet for a bath, and where was the coffee?… continue reading
Âu Cơ the Fairy Princess, The Dragon Lord Lac Long Quân, and Water Culture.
The Constant Epicurean Ep. 43, Âu Cơ the Fairy Princess, The Dragon Lord Lac long Quân, and water culture. Exploring Vietnamese mythology.
The Nameless Sleepy Village
I was awoken by the roosters, almost coughing out their morning crows. They struggled, it seemed, to outperform their neighbors. It was keeping up with the Jones’ poultry style, and it would not fade until well after sunrise. Everyone here had animals, and with the exception of the pigs, most were allowed to roam.… continue reading
Amendments To The Future is Bright.
Zen And The Art Of Balancing Anything And Everything On A Motorbike.
Reaching Pandora and The Cove That Time Forgot.
The Man, The Myth and his Museum.
Ho Chi Minh
The Petrified Georgian
We stepped into a taxi and headed to the central government parade ground. A jungle set scene reminiscent of the former communist headquarters of Red Square. As we exited the cab and stepped onto the sidewalk, a mother’s scream pierced the den of the busy street scene a few feet from my ears.… continue reading