Doha, Qatar
Related to or occurring in Doha

Doha, Qatar
It’s always a strange feeling sitting here in Hamad International Airport in Doha, Qatar. First of all It’s a beautiful place. It’s the kind of place where the floor is never soiled and each bathroom stall is cleaned between each and every use.… continue reading
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My Limbo, Transit through Hamad International Airport.

Da Nang
Doha, Qatar
Doha to Da Nang
As we climbed into the air and the seatbelt sign came off, I made my bed and got comfortable. It was the last leg of my journey, Doha to Da Nang. I tried to stay awake to eat my dinner, as a full belly often promotes sleep, I wasn’t sure I would make it.… continue reading Read More
Doha, Qatar
Hamad International Airport.
Hamad International Airport. As we began to disembark the plane, I was not prepared for what I would find. Not in the sense of anything wrong or inappropriate, just the orderliness of it all. I wasn’t in Kansas anymore! Every step of the way in Hamad, we were escorted by an airport employee.… continue reading Read More
Doha, Qatar